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On July 30, 2024, the City Council adopted the University Community Plan Update. The adopted Community Plan and associated rezones will be effective on December 1, 2024. Potential applicants should contact a permit planner at the Development Services Department prior to submitting an application before the adopted plan is in effect.

Please note that the adopted plan is not in effect within the Coastal Zone until the plan is certified by the California Coastal Commission.

Download the adopted plan below:
On-Screen Version
Print Version

Planificar documentos y materiales

Land Use & Housing Committee Draft of the University

Community Plan

click here (on screen)

The revised draft of the University Community Plan was presented to the Land Use & Housing Committee on June 13, 2024.

Second Draft of the University Community Plan

click here (on screen)

The second draft of the University Community Plan was circulated for review from March 14, 2024 to April 29, 2024. A cross-reference table was also prepared showing draft land use designations and draft implementing zones. 

Discussion Draft of the University Community Plan

click here (on-screen)click here (print-ready)

The University Community Plan Discussion Draft is the first draft of the University Community Plan that was circulated for review from April 4, 2023 to June 30, 2023

Discussion Draft Summary of Changes ("Edits Digest")    

click here

A summary of changes between the Discussion Draft and 

Draft plans. 

Adopted Land Use Report.JPG

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

Subregional Employment Area Profile  click here

This draft report provides an overview of the trends and employment demand within the subregional employment area.

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

Geotechnical and Geologic Hazard Evaluation  click here

This report identifies geotechnical and geologic hazards within the area. 

2022 Choose Your Future! Outreach Summary   click here

This report outlines the in-person and virtual outreach activities and results from the Online Engagement Platform, Choose Your Future!, conducted in October and November 2021.

View the print version, here. 

Water and Wastewater Technical Study    click here

This report provides a high-level assessment of the water distribution and wastewater collection systems of the area.

Hydrology and Water Quality Report   click here

This report describes the hydrology, existing storm drainage, and storm water quality conditions of the area. 

Urban Design Framework     click here

This brief urban design framework document describes the fundamental elements and key recommendations needed for achieving high-quality design in the built environment of the community.

Noise Analysis   click here

This report summarizes the noise conditions of the area. 

Air Quality Analysis   click here

This report summarizes the air quality conditions of the area. 

Planificar documentos y materiales

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

Community Plan Area_1.24.2022-02.png

¡Consulte aquí el contenido relacionado con la actualización del plan!

Focus Areas_1.24.2022-02.png

View land use scenarios that have been under consideration up to the draft University Community Plan 2024.

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